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March is Solar Thermal Training Madness Month at Solar Energy International

Posted by: april

February 23, 2012

Delta County Film Collective’s Solar Cuzit’sHot from Hutman Media.

March is Solar Thermal Madness Month at Solar Energy International, in honor of the new Colorado Solar Thermal Roadmap: A Strategic Plan to Make Colorado the National Leader in Solar Thermal Development recently unveiled through the Solar Thermal Alliance of Colorado (STAC) under the joint leadership of the Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES) and the Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association (COSEIA). According to Laurent Meillon, co-founder of STAC and director of Capitol Solar Energy, a Colorado business with 30 years of continuous focus on solar thermal, the path to solar thermal development is bright.

“Adoption, installation, manufacturing, and research and development of solar thermal technologies could boost Colorado’s economy, generate jobs, and help build a sustainable energy future,” she said. “Solar thermal technologies are promising alternatives to environmentally hazardous fossil fuel-burning heating sources.”

Colorado is strategically poised to seize national leadership in the solar thermal industry—and the vast economic benefits that come with it. Due to Colorado’s dramatic daily temperature swings, abundant sunshine, cold groundwater, and annual heating loads, solar thermal heating technologies perform better in Colorado than in any other state according to researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the Florida Solar Energy Center (Source:

Solar Energy International is offering three solar thermal continuing education webinars that count for North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) continuing education hours, as well as an in-person, five-day workshop on Guemes Island, Washington, in April:

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