Bird-X TAPE-25 Irri-Tape Bird Repellent Ribbon
Bird-X TAPE-25 Irri-Tape Bird Repellent Ribbon
- Bothers all of a bird’s senses
- Simple to install
- 3-D holographic effect
- Use anywhere
- Repels all pesky birds
Holographic iridescent diffraction foil drives away birds. Repel birds holographically, Irri-Tape bothers all of a bird’s senses: Visual Scare: birds are scared by the material’s sheen, as the light causes constantly changing reflections and shadows. Sound scare: birds are rattled by the fierce metallic noise irritape makes as it blows in the breeze. Physical Deterrent: birds are blocked by Irri-Tape and its brackets on any surface. Coverage: up to 1,000 Square Feet. Pests: pigeons, sparrows, starlings, crows, blackbirds, grackles, seagulls, swallows, woodpeckers, ducks, geese, predators and more Uses: yards, gardens, rooftops, parks, ponds, boat docks, private beaches, patios, balconies, any open outdoor area or any semi-enclosed area with access to light and wind.
List Price: $ 14.99
Price: $ 5.65

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Only thing that worked!,
We live in an apartment on the East China Sea in Japan – barely a 1/2 mile from the water’s edge and the pigoens love our balcony! This tape is wrapped to hang along our balcony and shines reflectively against the sun and makes noise against the wind. Works great! We’ve tried a fake bat, owl, snakes, even WD-40 on the balcony – you name it! Our neighbors have spikes and the birds just perch on the spikes. Our balcony has been pigeon and poop free for a year now. We have had to replace it after the “winter” and typhoon season beacuse the reflectiveness wears off in wind and rain after a while – but little problem and work for us to keep these nasty birds away!
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It really works!!,
We live on a farm and have been plagued for many years by mud swallows making their nests on our house. We would tear them down and try to rinse off the mud, which is nearly impossible, only to have them build it back in another spot almost immediately. We have an open attached garage because our garage door will no longer lower and the birds nest in the garage and even try to build nests on top of our car(which is also covered with bird poop!) There is an enormous pile of bird poop on our front porch.
This year the population of mud swallows seems to have exploded in our area. Just driving into our garage sends 20+ birds swooping down in front of the car! It reminds me of a Hitchcock movie! We haven’t been extremely aggressive about getting rid of them before now because they do help keep the insect population down, but enough is enough! After reading several reviews we ordered the irri-tape and the bird-b-gone hawk.
Now for the review: The irri-tape is reflective mylar ribbon, holographic on both sides. We cut the ribbon(irri-tape) into long streamers and tied them up on each side of the entrance to our garage and the entrance on our front porch. It is highly reflective if in full sun and makes a noise when the wind is blowing. I think it is both these elements that make it effective. Just make sure you have it tied securely, we had one streamer blow away during a thunderstorm.
Immediately you could see the birds becoming agitated, flying and swooping around the garage and not landing. This went on for a couple of hours, then finally all the birds but a few flew away. The only ones that went back to the nests were the ones that still had babies in the nest to feed. As soon as the babies were able to fly, they left and haven’t come back, so far.
I gave the irri-tape 4 stars instead of 5 because it does work, but I thought it a little pricey for what you get and because after a month most of the holographic reflectiveness has faded from exposure to sunshine and rain and now needs to be replaced.
Also, I think it was the combination of the irri-tape and the bird-b-gone hawk that got rid of the birds. These two work together best if you change the location of the tape and the hawk regularly to keep the birds confused or they just get used to it being in the same spot and aren’t scared of it anymore.
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This tape solved our woodpecker problem,
We have had returning woodpeckers marking our home for the past few years. We have repaired and replaced shingles but nothing seemed to deter them. When they returned this spring we used this irritape and they have not returned. It was a good investment.
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