green design, eco design, sustainable design, European Photovoltaic Industry Association, solar power, wind power, solar power 101 GW

The European Photovoltaic Industry Association just announced that the world’s combined solar power capacity has surpassed 100 gigawatts to hit a new high, topping out at 101 gigawatts! The news shows that renewable energy is definitely on the rise – especially considering that the record for wind power capacity was also broken in 2012

green design, eco design, sustainable design, European Photovoltaic Industry Association, solar power, wind power, solar power 101 GW

The solar power arrays around the world, from giant farms to personal solar panels, have the capacity to generate as much power as sixteen coal burning plants or one nuclear reactor, but with clean energy.  As more and more solar arrays are installed in nations across the continents, the world’s dependence on oil and other fossil fuels shrinks, helping to pave the way for continued renewable energy in the future.

Aside from starting the safeguarding process against these natural resources that will run out, the rise of solar power also helps cut back harmful emissions that pollute our atmosphere.

Last year, over 30 gigawatts of solar arrays were installed worldwide, pushing our solar capacity far forward beyond the expectations of the solar industry just ten years ago. Both the shattered records of solar power and wind energy in 2012 prove that these renewable energy sources are here to stay, and that the world has accepted a strong global market for each.  At this rate, the EPIA anticipates the industry to grow even more exponentially in 2013.

Via Phys Org

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