Urban Green Energy, UGE Iberia, General Electric, Sanya Skypump, Wind-Powered EV Charging Station, electric vehicles, ev charging station, wind power, wind energy, integrated charging station, barcelona

The world’s first fully integrated wind-powered EV charging station has been installed in Barcelona, Spain. The charging station, known as the Sanya Skypump, was unveiled today by Urban Green Energy and GE, and it combines UGE’s cutting-edge vertical wind turbines with GE’s electric vehicle (EV) charging technology.

Urban Green Energy, UGE Iberia, General Electric, Sanya Skypump, Wind-Powered EV Charging Station, electric vehicles, ev charging station, wind power, wind energy, integrated charging station, barcelona

The Sanya Skypump was installed by UGE Iberia, the Spanish branch of New York-based Urban Green Energy at Cespa’s global headquarters near Barcelona. Who is Cespa, you ask? Well, they’re the environmental services subsidiary of Ferrovial Servicios, the world’s largest private transportation infrastructure investor—so it makes sense that they see the potential of the charging station firsthand. The two companies have already announced that further Skypumps will be installed later this year in the U.S. and Australia at shopping malls, universities and other locations.

The Skypump incorporates both the energy production capacity of UGE’s 4K wind turbine and the EV charging capability of the GE Durastation in a single unit. All of the required electrical systems are located within the tower.

“Since launching the Sanya Skypump, we have received inquiries from companies around the world that are looking to embrace sustainability,” said Nick Blitterswyk, CEO of UGE. “The Sanya Skypump is one of those rare products that enable institutions to demonstrate their commitment to the environment while providing a really useful service as well.”

Charles Elazar, marketing director of GE Energy Management’s Industrial Solutions business in Europe, says, “GE is launching a family of electric vehicle charging systems in Europe offering domestic and commercial users a range of easy-to-use, flexible systems to help make electric vehicles a practical, everyday reality.”

+ General Electric

+ Urban Green Energy