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PV Powered Trailer for White Earth Reservation

Posted by: laurie

June 12, 2012

SEI recently partnered with Honor The Earth and White Earth Land Recovery Project to build a portable power trailer at the White Earth reservation in northern Minnesota.  SEI has been working with these two organizations over the past several years to bring renewable energy training and project installation to various Native American communities around the US. 

This most recent project focused on constructing a stand-alone, solar powered trailer for the community to use at various events, gatherings and pow-wows throughout the local region.  The modest sized stand-alone system will provide AC power for operating the PA system at these events and the ability to broadcast from these events through their local radio station.  Additionally, the system can also be used to charge small electronic devices such as cell phones, I-pads and laptop computers for folks attending the event. 

SEI staff worked with two local, native technicians and a group of high school students to construct the power trailer.  The group of high school students participated in a larger project with White Earth Land Recovery Project as part of a volunteer service through Global Citizens Network.   These high school students worked on a variety of projects during their two week stay and we were fortunate to have them available to help build the stand-alone solar system.   

This project would not have been possible without the generous support from our friends in the PV industry.  SEI would like to recognize and thank the following companies that donated equipment for this project:  Magnum Energy, Trojan Battery, Midnite Solar, Outback Power, REC Solar and Multi-Contact. 

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