My SolarMill A 4 KW Wind & Solar Hybrid | 24-hour power production

- Green and Clean, renewable energy up to 24hrs daily
- Same footprint, more power every day than solar alone
- Complete system with inverter and itis Environmentally friendly, silent operation
- Scalable power generation: E.g. put 8 (or more) together & get a 8 KW System.
- 25 Year Design Life / 5 Years Manufacturer’s Warranty
(This is for 4) My SolarMill’s 1 KW Wind/Solar Hybrid Systems. Scalable power generation: E.g. put 2 (or more) together & get a 2 KW System. My SolarMill incorporates 3 vertical axis wind turbines with P.V. (solar panels) technology within a compact footprint, creating the greatest energy density of any product on the market. The hybrid concept of the SolarMill is unique, seamlessly integrating wind and solar energy generation in a single unit. This allows the product to be an effective solution in markets where the natural resources available for wind or solar energy generation alone do not justify investment. The SolarMill is designed to work in both on-grid and off-grid environments. Whether on the roof of a commercial building to offset

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