Mexico to need more PV suppliers – report
Apr 15, 2015 17:09 CEST
April 15 – Mexico’s photovoltaic (PV) market will require more suppliers amid expectations for a growing demand in the next years, daily Capital Mexico reported last week, quoting Asociacion Nacional de Energia Solar (ANES).
Alberto Valdes, president of the association, said that Mexican solar module makers are already developing competitive products, though with imported materials. However, the 450-MW capacity of local manufacturers is insufficient. For comparison, between January 2014 and the first month of 2015 energy regulator CRE issued 110 permits for PV projects of a total 3,030 MW, mostly small-scale power producers.
There are six companies assembling and manufacturing solar modules in the country, including two with foreign capital. The new opportunities after the energy reform will likely attract more assemblers to start local operations, therefore Valdes believes it is necessary to integrate more national components. He also said that PV manufacturers need support through the imports of materials.
In the next 10 years, the country aims to boost its installed PV capacity to 6,000 MW, compared to only 150 MW now. The association sees market opportunities linked to both major PV generators and small communities and households.

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