Genscape transmission offers real-time transmission congestion & flow

Transmission RT Live Data Map showing Ohio River generation flowing to the Midwest load centers
Real-time, fundamental power flow data can inform hedging and trading strategies by providing a new level of transparency to the power market. Genscape’s Transmission RT service uses thousands of patented power plant and a new network of transmission line monitors deployed across the U.S. to identify these valuable trading opportunities by capturing and reporting market fundamentals in real-time.
Genscape’s sophisticated, expansive network of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) monitors provide up to-the-minute data on over 1,500 EHV transmission lines across the U.S. With a user-friendly, web-based interactive map representing real-time power generation for plants monitored in the U.S., a complete picture of the U.S. power grid is available at any moment in time.
The live data map on Transmission RT shows the status and flow direction of each transmission line. It enables users to see real-time line outages, reversals, and return-to-service, as well as patterns when the DAM and RT are separating. The platform also shows flow patterns that respond to weather fronts. Users can view line loads and trips and examine patterns in history with over 10 years of historical flow data.
“Transmission RT enables our clients to trade DART spreads more effectively, identify impact and risk of unexpected events on FTRs, benchmark FTR and power flow models to actual flows, and see immediate congestion form or alleviate,” says Bill Townsend, managing director of power development at Genscape. “With Transmission RT, market participants gain a new level of transparency to help them make strategic moves before anyone else.” Genscape is offering free trials of its new Transmission RT platform.