Engie lines up 400 MW PV pipeline in Chile – report
Aug 22, 2016 16:15 CEST
August 22 – Engie Energia Chile SA (EECL), majority owned by French utility Engie (EPA:ENGI) and Solairedirect Chile Ltda have agreed to jointly develop a solar power project pipeline of 400 MW, local media reports.
The two companies have agreed to work on photovoltaic (PV) projects in the northern and central parts of Chile for a period of one year.
Solairedirect, also a subsidiary of Engie, recently teamed up with EECL to file a joint offer for the 83 MWp Capricornio PV project in the latest Chile tender.
The project, located in the Antofagasta region, competed in supply block 2-B, but was not selected in the tender which achieved the lowest ever price for solar power (http://renewables.seenews.com/news/update-solar-bid-of-usd-29-1-mwh-received-in-chilean-tender-536898)
Engie Energia Chile, formerly known as E.CL S.A, manages a fossil-fuel dominated generation portfolio, dedicated mainly to supplying electric power to industrial clients and mining companies established in Chile’s Great North.
Solairedirect set up operations in Chile in 2010, and inaugurated its first solar park in Andacallo in December 2013. Most recently it won a 23 MW PV project at a tender in Mexico, offering a price of USD 48/MWh.
Through its subsidiary companies Engie already operates two solar power installations in Chile and builds a third one for a total of 55,3 MW. The company is also present in Panama with 21 MW and Brazil where its subsidiaires Tractebel Energia and Solairedirect won a 230 MW bid won in November 2015 and Solairedirect won a 40 MW project in Peru in March.

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