Brazil approves 194 MW of PV to enter incentives scheme
July 8 – Brazil’s Ministry of Mines and Energy approved seven solar energy projects with a combined capacity of 194 MW to enter the national Incentive Regime for Infrastructure Development (REIDI).
The projects represent a total investment of roughly BRL 915 million (USD 275.2m/EUR 249.8m). More details are available in the table below.
The projects located in Minas Gerais are owned by Spain-based firm Solatio Energy Project Management. The one in Bahia is controlled by Vila Renovavel Consortium. Angico 1 and Malta are owned by different consortia but with the same leading company, Kawa Solar Holdings Ltd.
REIDI, launched in 2007, grants tax incentives to companies investing in infrastructure projects within the transport, energy, sanitation and irrigation sectors.

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